Development of digital models of large systems: engineering and technological equipment, building complexes for computer-aided design
We propose to develop digital configurators and plug-ins for equipment and building models for computer-aided design (CAD) and selection of a set of equipment by sales departments.

The configurator allows you to assemble a complete technological complex consisting of many components in real time. Examples of such complex assemblies are given below: a sewage pumping station (CPS), a gas station or a storm water treatment plant system.
The configurator, which in turn consists of several plug-ins and parametric models, allows you to significantly reduce the design time and avoid errors in the equipment layout. For example, the gas station configurator allows you to reduce the design time of a gas station from four to six months to one and a half months.

The accumulated experience allows us to form complex configurators for assembling various technological and engineering equipment complexes.

The configurator can be used not only in designing to obtain technical documentation, drawings of design and working documentation, but also in a much simplified form for sales departments. The configurator allows you to assemble a set of equipment in real time and receive the specification of the equipment supply and the actual cost of the kit.
Our services include:
Formation of requirements for the configurator, information input/output forms
Development of the matrix of equipment and elements of the complex
Formation of single equipment models: parametric BIM models filled with attributive information
The assembly of single models into a single file, into which the uploaded single BIM models, external data, and the data upload format are prescribed
Let's consider one of the examples of a digital configurator
The developer is building five-storey residential buildings in the Middle Volga region. Despite the fact that the design assignment is the same in almost all regions, regional design organizations release a new set of drawings every time, re-examine the design documentation each time, while creating new and new design errors. All this is extremely painful for the developer, because it disrupts the timing of design and construction and leads to the fact that the cost of construction is uncontrollable by the developer.
Develop a building configurator in which individual elements and systems can change, ensure the release of documentation from the developed model and give instructions to regional design organizations on how to release design documentation using the configurator.
  1. A matrix of elements and systems that can be changed and elements and systems that are closed to editing has been formed. As part of this work, all options for the layout of apartments in a five-storey building have been identified, options for the layout of intra-house engineering networks have been formed, and options for the layout of nodes for entering engineering networks into the building have been determined.
  2. A digital information model has been developed at Renga Software. Individual elements and systems in the model are closed for editing, for example, exterior walls and windows, a staircase block, and the layout of floor slabs. And, conversely, it is acceptable to edit: internal interior partitions, arrangement of engineering equipment, determination of the area of premises, etc. Engineering equipment is assembled into large-node systems that combine a complete set of components of a particular system. For example, a VK system with one bathroom and two adjacent bathrooms has been developed. The user is allowed to move the equipment inside the plumbing cabin, but it is not allowed to remove or add new elements to the VK system.
  3. During the development of the model, all issues of collisions and interdisciplinary coordination of design specialists in individual design sections were resolved. We can say that an ideal, reference information model of the object has been assembled.
  4. From the assembled digital information model, the user receives a pre-configured set of drawings for sections: AR, KR, IOS1, ISO2, IOS3, IOS4, IOS5, as well as thieves for all specified sections in PDF and EXLS.
Currently, work is underway to integrate the model into the BIMLEAD software
The completed work allowed the developer to reduce the time of error-free design from six months to 1-1.5 months
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